Creating a Wider Customer Base

Professional pottery studios are often looking for ways to expand their customer base. They want more people to experience pottery making and decorating. By finding new customers, they increase sales of already made items. This can also lead to sales for items such as clay and glazes. Many new artists often buy their supplies through the pottery shop where they first learned to throw clay. This is one of the reasons pottery shops continually try to find new customers interested in pottery.

Promotional deals for groups is often a good way for a pottery shop to attract new customers. Their business expands as people become familiar with it. Not all people who attend a promotional event will come back. This is understood, but it is still a good way for a pottery shop to market their business. While a person may not come back, they may have a good time and recommend it to a friend with an interest in pottery.

Sales of package deals are always good for small niche shops. Good marketing will spread the word about these promotions and encourage new customers to try them out. Reservations are generally required for groups. This gives the operator of the shop an idea of how many people will be attending. This is easier to plan for than foot traffic through the local area. It allows the shop to know how much they can expect in sales for any given day.

Promoting a business through marketing takes imagination. The world has gone online, and a pottery shop is one of the businesses that can take full advantage of this trend. Colorful pictures of pottery pieces will attract people to look further at a website and its offers. This is a good way to drive sales and help stretch advertising dollars as far as possible.